Lori Mae Watt

Currently working freelance. Previously making music-tech magic at Serato.
Hi! I'm a Product Designer based in Sydney. I grew up between the UK and New Zealand, before hopping the ditch earlier this year.

Since becoming a designer I've had the pleasure of working with teams big and small on mobile and web projects, end-to-end. Spreading the love of music with iconic tech company Serato was a definite highlight, as was helping early stage startups turn their ideas into real-world products as a freelancer.

I became a designer because I love helping people. Design has the power to make the world a better place to be, and it's this impact that drives me every day.

Outside of work I can be found, well, outside! Growing up on the South Island of New Zealand has given me a deep appreciation for road trips, hiking and beaching.

Feel free to check out my resume.