
Project Overview

My time at Serato was filled with interesting projects. Leading the charge was being trusted to lead the redesign of the express checkout that sees half a million visits per year.

With years of tech debt plaguing the site, as well as UX that had been tried, tweaked and tested, it was decided that the focus would be predominantly on UI improvements and 'small UX wins' that were more surface level and didn't affect the code too much. But still, with the express checkout having been designed in a different time (10+ years ago) and not touched since, there was plenty of room for improvement.

Other projects included exploring an expansions window redesign, redesigning pricing pages, designing an audio trimming feature for Serato Visualizer and contributing numerous new components to the brand new and improved web design system that will be rolled out gradually across 2024.

I was also the primary user test facilitator for both the product and web teams, driving the connection between the design teams and our users.
User ratingUser ratingUser rating
I was a User Experience Designer
Working within a close-knit design team


User research
Usability testing
Design systems


Aug 2022 - Feb 2024


Project 1

Expansions window refresh

The expansions window is accessed via the app, and is used to manage one's subscriptions. I was tasked with exploring a redesign of this window, testing it along the way.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup
Project 2

Pricing page refresh

I was trusted to redesign the website pricing page components and pricing table, transitioning to a dark theme and taking into account the 2 or 3 options available (which affected the in-line pricing comparison table below).
Project 3

Express Checkout refresh

I was granted the opportunity to lead the redesign of the express web checkout, which sees half a million visitors per year. The project was UI-leaning with the chance to target "quick UX wins" along the way.
Step 3

Mapping the user's path

This was an extensive project that saw me assessing the current checkout, analysing users with Google Analytics, exploring wireframed layouts, testing and testing again, before landing on a high-fidelity design sourced from new design system components.

The checkout should go live in late 2024.
Dashboard mockup
Project 4

Design system contribution

During my time at Serato we were granted the opportunity to redesign the web design system. With the UX mostly fixed due to tech debt, the UI was the key focus.

I contributed numerous refreshed components, including the pricing cards shown above, tooltips and triggers, GUI mockups.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup
Project 5

Serato Visualizer audio trimming feature

One of my first projects at Serato included designing an audio trimming feature for Visualizer, which lets our music producers create epic social media videos to pair with their beats.

Being able to trim their audio upload quickly and easily was the first step in their process. I researched, wireframed, tested and tested again to bring the high fidelity (now live) design to life.